About Me

Welcome to the journey of Paul D. Cooper, the insightful creator and driving force behind List-of-Psychics.com. Paul’s story is a tapestry of spiritual exploration, intellectual curiosity, and a relentless pursuit of uncovering the hidden depths of psychic phenomena.

Early Years and Spiritual Awakening

Paul D. Cooper was born into a family with a rich history of spiritual and psychic exploration. Growing up in the culturally diverse landscape of San Francisco, he was exposed to a myriad of spiritual beliefs and practices from a young age. This environment nurtured his innate curiosity and set him on a path of exploration and discovery.

Academic Pursuits and Enlightenment

Paul’s academic journey was as unconventional as his upbringing. He pursued studies in Comparative Religion and Philosophy at a prestigious university, delving into various belief systems and metaphysical concepts. His academic endeavors provided him with a broad understanding of the historical and cultural contexts of psychic practices, enriching his personal exploration of the subject.

Embarking on a Psychic Expedition

Paul’s true passion for psychic phenomena was ignited during his college years when he began to explore his own latent psychic abilities. He traveled extensively, studying under various psychic practitioners and spiritual mentors across the globe. These experiences not only honed his skills but also deepened his understanding of the ethical and responsible practice of psychic abilities.

Launching List-of-Psychics.com

Motivated by a desire to share his knowledge and experiences, and to demystify the world of psychic abilities, Paul founded List-of-Psychics.com. His vision was to create a platform that would serve as a reliable resource for those seeking to understand and explore psychic phenomena. The website is a culmination of his extensive research, personal experiences, and his commitment to presenting accurate, unbiased information about psychics.

Philosophy and Approach

Paul’s approach to the psychic realm is grounded in respect, integrity, and open-minded skepticism. He believes in the potential of psychic abilities to provide insight and guidance but is also a strong advocate for critical thinking and personal empowerment in the pursuit of psychic exploration.

Beyond List-of-Psychics.com

Apart from his work on the website, Paul is a respected figure in the psychic community. He frequently participates in workshops, seminars, and discussions, sharing his insights and promoting a balanced understanding of psychic practices. He also contributes to various publications on topics related to spirituality, psychic abilities, and metaphysical research.

Personal Life and Interests

In his personal life, Paul is an avid nature enthusiast and a practitioner of meditation. He finds peace and inspiration in the natural world and believes in the importance of maintaining a harmonious balance between the spiritual and physical realms. This connection to nature and mindfulness is a core aspect of his psychic practice and personal philosophy.

Future Aspirations

As he continues to lead List-of-Psychics.com, Paul remains dedicated to his mission of enlightening others about the psychic world. He is constantly exploring new avenues of knowledge and understanding, driven by his belief that the exploration of psychic phenomena is a never-ending journey of learning and discovery.

Invitation to Connect

Paul invites you to join him at List-of-Psychics.com, where you can embark on your own journey of psychic discovery and understanding. Whether you’re seeking knowledge, curious about psychic abilities, or looking for guidance, Paul and his platform are ready to assist and enlighten you on your path.

In Paul’s words, “The exploration of psychic abilities is a journey into the depths of the human soul and the mysteries of the universe. Approach it with curiosity, respect, and an open heart.”